Sunday, July 19, 2009

PDS TUTORIALS: Isometric Extraction

This chapter contains the information required to generate isometrics interactively and view them in the model.


This is a brief overview of the procedure to create isometric drawings. For more detailed information on Isometric Extraction, see the PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide.



Isometric Extraction Exercise


Review Iso Drawings graphically reviews an isometric drawing in the Piping Designer modeling environment. Select Analyze Data from the Piping pull-down menu.



Isometric Extraction

Generate an isometric for a single pipeline.

1. Enter the PDS Control Shell environment.

PDS Control Shell environment

2. Select your project from the list.

3. Select Isometric Drawing Manager.

Isometric Drawing Manager

4. Select Interactive.

Interactive Isometric Drawing Manager

5. Key in the piping file name for Model Number.

6. Key in the equipment file name for Model Number.

7. Key in the pipelines for Pipeline Name.
The system automatically fills in the Iso Drawing File with the first Pipeline Name - .ISO.

8. If you want a different name, select the block and key in the desired name for Iso Design File, the system automatically adds the .ISO extension.

9. If you want a different extension, select the block and key in the desired extension.

Interactive Isometric Extraction

10. Accept the form with Confirm. The system processes the pipeline immediately.


ISOGEN Creater Error

11. If you get an error, it will have to be corrected before ISOGEN will work, then re-submit.


ISOGEN Isometric Created

12. The pipeline processed successfully, then Exit.

ISOmetric Pipeline Processed

13. Select View Graphics.

ISOmetric view graphics output

14. Select the isometric drawing from the list.

15. Select Confirm.
The system brings up the isometric design file, where any MicroStation menu will work.

ISOmetric design file in Microstation

Review ISO Drawings Exercise

Review an isometric drawing that was already generated:

1. Toggle Select Line ID from Model to Select Line ID from List.

2. Select 0104-MMA from list.

3. Select Confirm.
The system brings up the isometric design file as a reference file.


Lab 1

Generate an isometric of pipeline MMA0104-XIN-2C0032-P and then plot it.

Lab 2

Use the ISOMETRIC DRAWING LIMIT to place limit points on pipeline MMA0104-XIN-2C0032-P, rerun the isometric and then re-plot it.

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