In this section you will learn how to manually place piping assemblies, engineered items, instruments, pipe supports, and taps.
| Piping Assembly places a set of predefined components, such as a drain, in the model at the active placement point. Select the Place Component option from the Placement palette activated by the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Piping Specialty places piping specialty items in the active model. Select the Place Component option from the Placement palette activated by the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Instrument places an instrument in the model. Select the Place Component option from the Placement palette activated by the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Commodity Option changes the commodity option used to search the spec for a commodity item. Select the Place Component option from the Placement palette activated by the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Commodity Override places components that are out of spec (not defined in the attached Piping Job Specification database). Select the Place Component option from the Placement palette activated by the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Place Logical Support places logical supports in the active model file. Select Placement from the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Place Physical Pipe Supports places physical pipe supports in the active model file. Select Placement from the Piping pull-down menu. |
| Lab Exercises |
Piping Assembly Exercise
This option activates the Place Piping Assembly form which is used to place a piping assembly in the model at the active placement point. A piping assembly is a set of predefined components such as a drain.
See Piping Assembly for reference information on this option.
Complete the following two exercises.
Exercise 1 - Ball Valve Assembly
Place a ball valve assembly at the center of a pipe run.
1. Select the Piping Assembly option.
2. Select Additional Selections.
3. Select Valves with Flanges.
4. Select Connect to Design.
5. Select Point on Pipe.
6. Identify the pipe and establish the location for the assembly.
7. Confirm the selection.
8. Select Up on the compass for secondary orientation.
9. Select Ball Valve from the Placement by Center area.
10. Confirm the Place Piping Assembly form.
11. Select Up on the compass for stem orientation.
12. Toggle Primary to Secondary.
13. Select West on the compass for handle orientation.
14. Accept the form with Confirm.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Exercise 2 - Eccentric Reducer and Flanges
Place a piping assembly at an equipment nozzle.
1. Select the Connect to Design option.
2. Identify the equipment/nozzle number.
3. Select the Piping Assembly option.
4. Select Down on the compass to indicate the location of the eccentric side of the reducer.
5. Select Eccentric Reducer and Flanges then Confirm.
6. Key in 3 (75) for the Second Size.
7. Accept the form with Confirm.
8. Key in 1 (25) in the form field for the branch size.
9. Select the Commodity Option you want for the drain nipple and Accept.
10. Select North on the compass to orient the gate valve operator, and Accept.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Piping Specialty Exercise
This option places a Piping Specialty in the active model. Piping Specialties (also referred to as piping specialty items) can be defined in the Piping Job Specification (PJS), or defined interactively at placement time.
See Piping Specialty for reference information on the option.
Complete the following two exercises.
Exercise 1 - Placing a Cartridge Strainer
Place a cartridge strainer in a pipeline using another piping specialty shape.
1. Select the Connect to Design option.
2. Identify CP1 of the flange.
3. Select Piping Speciality.
4. Select Geometry and Spec Data.
5. Select Flame Arrestor.
6. Key in a piping_comp_no and change any other attributes you want.
7. Select Confirm.
8. Key in the required information.
9. Select Confirm.
10. Accept placement of the Place Component form with Confirm.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Exercise 2 - Gear Operated Valve
Place a gear operated valve in a pipeline.
1. Select Connect to Design.
2. Identify CP1 of the flange.
3. Select Piping Speciality.
4. Select Geometry and Partial Spec Data.
5. Select Valve.
6. Key in the tag number and other required information.
7. Select Operator Menu.
8. Select Side Mount Gear Type A.
9. Key in the required information.
10. Confirm the operator form.
11. Confirm the engineering item specialtyform.
12. Confirm the Place Component form.
13. Select Up on the compass for stem orientation.
14. Toggle Primary to Secondary.
15. Select East on the compass for gear handwheel orientation.
16. Accept the placement with Confirm.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Instrument Exercise
This option places an instrument in the active model.
See Instrument for reference information on this option.
Place an instrument (angle relief valve) in a pipeline.
1. Select Connect to Design.
2. Identify CP1 of the flange.
3. Select Instrument.
4. Select Geometry and Spec Data.
5. Select Angle Pressure Relief.
6. Key in the instrument_tag_no and any other required information.
7. Confirm the form.
8. Key in the required information.
9. Confirm the form.
10. Accept the form with Confirm.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Commodity Options Exercise
This option changes the commodity option used to search the spec for a commodity item.
See Commodity Option for reference information on this option.
Place a 300# gate valve and flanges in a 150# class pipeline.
1. Select the Connect to Design option.
2. Identify the free end of the pipe.
3. Select Commodity Option.
4. Select Default flange.
5. Select the 300# flange from the list and Confirm.
6. Confirm the Place Component form.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
7. Select the Commodity Option.
8. Select the Gate valve.
9. Select Display Data for Commodity.
10. Select Review Piping Notes.
11. Select Cancel.
12. Select the 300# valve from the list and Confirm.
13. Confirm the Place Component form.
The system updates the database and places a 300# gate valve.
14. Select the Commodity Option.
15. Select Default flange.
16. Select the 300# flange from the list and Confirm.
17. Confirm the Place Component form.
The system updates the database and places a 300# flange.
Commodity Override Exercise
This option places components that are out of spec (not defined in the attached Piping Job Specification database).
See Commodity Override for reference information on this option.
Place an out of spec flange (flat-faced, threaded flange).
1. Select Connect to Design.
2. Identify the free end of the gate valve.
3. Select Commodity Override.
4. Select Default flange.
5. Select 6Q2C01 FWN RFFE CL150 NREQD from the list.
6. Select rcp_end_prep BE from the list.
7. Select MTE from the end preparation list.
8. Select Confirm.
9. Select gcp_end_prep RFFE from the list.
10. Select FFFE from the end preparation list.
11. Select Confirm.
12. Select commodity_code from the list.
13. Key in a valid commodity code for the component you have defined and then Accept.
14. Confirm the Place Component form.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Place Logical Support Exercise
Place a logical support on a pipeline.
See Place Logical Support for reference information.
1. Select the Point on Pipe option.
2. Identify the pipe.
3. Key in the distance.
4. Select Other Pipe Support Data.
5. Key in PS-8763 for pipe_support_no.
6. Select the elevator button to scroll for other data.
7. Key in the stress analysis information and the Confirm.
8. Accept the form with Confirm.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Place Physical Pipe Support Exercise
See Place Physical Support for reference information.
Place a 1-way, type 4 pipe support.
1. Select Point on Pipe.
2. Identify the pipe.
3. Key in 3' (914 mm).
4. Select 1-Way and Type 4.
5. Key in PSH-001 for the tag number and any other data.
6. Select Other Pipe Support Data.
7. Key in other data and then Confirm.
8. Select Confirm.
9. Select Down on the compass.
10. Accept the form with Confirm.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Complete the following three exercises using the command you have learned in this section.
Lab 1
Place valves on pipeline DOW0103-4IN-2C0032-N. Refer to the figure below for detailed information.
Lab 2
Place valves on pipeline DOW0103-4IN-2C0032-N. Refer to the figure below for detailed information.
Lab 3
Place pipeline MMA0105-XIN-2C0032-N from equipment/nozzles 38P-101A/N2 & 38P-101B/N2 to it's completion. Refer to the figure below for detailed information.
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