Pressure pipe and tube products are manufactured to a variety of standard specifications of varying designs, employing different manufacturing practices and using a wide variety of materials. The end user of these products must apply the leastcost product suitable for the specified service conditions. Typically, steel and alloy pressure piping is available in cast, wrought, and seam-welded forms. Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe is supplied in standard sizes and wall thickness conforming to ASME B36.10M. Stainless-steel pipe is supplied in standard sizes and wall thickness conforming to ASME B36.19M.
Pressure-tube applications commonly involve external heat applications, as in boilers or superheaters. Pressure tubing is produced to the actual outside diameter and minimum or average wall thickness specified by the purchaser. Pressure tubing may be hot- or cold-finished. The wall thickness is normally given in decimal parts of an inch rather than as a fraction or gauge number. When gauge numbers are given without reference to a system, Birmingham wire gauge (BWG) is implied. Weights of commercial tubing are given in Apps. E3 and E3M.
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Prevalent Piping Specifications |
Pressure Tubing
Pressure-tube applications commonly involve external heat applications, as in boilers or superheaters. Pressure tubing is produced to the actual outside diameter and minimum or average wall thickness specified by the purchaser. Pressure tubing may be hot- or cold-finished. The wall thickness is normally given in decimal parts of an inch rather than as a fraction or gauge number. When gauge numbers are given without reference to a system, Birmingham wire gauge (BWG) is implied. Weights of commercial tubing are given in Apps. E3 and E3M.
Pressure tubing is usually made from steel produced by the open-hearth, basic oxygen, or electric furnace processes. Seamless pressure tubing may be either hotfinished or cold-drawn. Cold-drawn steel tubing is frequently process-annealed at temperatures above 1200 F (650 C). To ensure quality, maximum hardness values are frequently specified. Hot-finished or cold-drawn seamless low-alloy steel tubes generally are process-annealed at temperatures between 1200 F (650 C) and 1350 F (730 C). Austenitic stainless-steel tubes are usually annealed at temperatures between 1800 F (980 C) and 2100 F (1150 C), with specific temperatures varying somewhat with each grade. This is generally followed by pickling, unless bright annealing was done.
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